Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Closet Bar

Fight or flight.

When we face a problem, we do one of those things. But, it looks different for everyone. If I decide to “flight.” I get a Diet Coke, or a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and watch a movie, do a random Google search, or maybe even write a blog.

For fight. I feel like Rosie the Riveter, roll my sleeves and hit the problem head on.

Many of the household “projects” I have done. When something breaks in the house I like to figure out why and how to fix it. It's fun. I like using my hands and fixing things. Most recently was installing the grab bars in the shower. I drilled through tile people. Not gonna lie. I felt like a badass.
Glitter paint is great for marking tile

In crisis situations, I’ve never ran. I feel like I’ve seen it all (aside from death) seizures, heart attacks, chocking, psychotic breaks, etc. I jump in with both feet without thinking twice.

Now for work.

As my first full teaching I have had my share of flight moments. As my “roommate” (we share a room and teach 3 classes together) will tell you. I have had a fair share of flight moments. Monday mornings I avoid my laptop. I talk to the teachers, maybe I’ll go ask another teacher about a student, then the students start to show up and maybe I’ll stand in the hall and say good morning. Then I open Outlook and see the 20 e-mails waiting for me to respond.
Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, basketball court
Science Department. I couldn't ask for better co-workers! 
With SOLs (Standards of Learning, AKA VA state test) coming up in May I’m feeling the pressure. We must get through X amount of material, review 3 years of science, and practice how to take these weird tests. I want to go into flight. I want to spend my prep and class time watching Bill Nye and Magic School bus while hiding in the corner. But can I do that? No. So, I must pick myself up and buckle down.
Bill Nye the Science Guy AKA my hero

And with all these decisions, we all have a breaking point. We can only fight for so long. Then we eventually sit down and wave the white flag for a break.

M white flag

This past week has been spring break. Kelli and I went to Charleston, SC with a friend and Troy went to Montana to see his family. It has been Kelli and I since last Saturday, and it will be till Tuesday. 
Carriage tours in Downtown Charleston, SC

The usually day-to-day things are easy for us. Today Kelli and I went to the church Easter party, then an Easter performance in Washington DC, Costco, then I mowed the lawn. I was tucking Kelli in and suddenly, the closet bar fell along with all her nice dresses. Kelli jumps up and yelled “Uh oh Mommy!! We need to fix it!” All I could do was stare at it. Really?
The now pile of clothes that was hanging nicely

This is my white flag moment. I surrender. The closet bar wins tonight. I’ve fought all day and all week. Now I’m going to drink a Diet Coke and do a random Google search. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my lord, is that a Monkees tattoo I see????? The apocalypse is surely upon us all. BP in Oregon
